It has been nearly two months without a BBQ. Last weekend the weather was warm, we were working hard, and there's only so much quinoa people can eat. It was time for a steak. And steak is NOT steak without a BBQ.
There isn't anything that I buy without some research, particularly when it involves large amounts of cash. With the help of my Facebook friends, a few different websites and a couple weeks of contemplation, the final decision was made. Weber (the Genesis series at least) is Union made in the USA. There is hardly a review to be found where folks are not RAVING about this grill. And many that have recently bought one did so because their last trusty (15+ year) one finally said its final farewell.
So we called Fred Meyer to check stock. They carry this grill for the same price as everyone else. I've watched the sales, even around Memorial Day and Father's Day and there's nothing to be found. So, why not give my $799 to a store who employees my fellow Union brothers and sisters? Fortunately for us they had 2 in stock, one assembled, and one in the box. Myko cordially asked Tyler the BBQ guy to please hold on to it for us as we were on our way.
While we were at Freddy's, we picked up some nice New York's. It's the debut dinner on a brand new grill at the start of summer, there's just no cheaping out on the meat.
We dashed home and Myko got started assembling the grill. All in all it only took a little over an hour, all by himself, to get it steak ready.
While he assembled the grill I prepared the meat and some side dishes. He called me outside when it was all done:
By this time it was nearly 8 o'clock. Myko to the rescue. Without missing a beat he grabbed the tank and grabbed the keys. When he got back, nearly 30 minutes later, I wondered what had happened to him. Apparently, you can only get propane in town until 8pm, and it was 8:01 when he finally got to talk to the cashier. And so he had to scour the other gas stations in and around town to find some propane. We were having steaks, one way or another. Thankfully, the Chevron at Getchell Station fills propane until 11pm!
FINALLY, I got to throw the steaks on. It's a good thing they only take a few minutes a side to cook....
Oh my goodness that taste can't be beat. Since then it's grillin' season. Made these kabobs Friday night.
So far, I can't say a single bad thing about this grill. I LOVE it. Now, I need to find some grilling utensils. I don't have that many more hairs to be singed off my arms!
- Birdy
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